Cursos online
A NOAA/NWS/WPC International Desks, no âmbito do WMO Focus Group/VLab, ministrou cursos online em dois dias distintos, sendo um deles em espanhol e outro em inglês. Abaixo seguem mais informações sobre os cursos.
Em espanhol: 13 agosto (15:00 UTC) Sesión Especial sobre la Identificación y Análisis de Fronteras en Sudamérica
Es importante para el analista y los pronosticadores el poder distinguir entre los diferentes sistemas de bajo nivel que pueden afectar las condiciones del tiempo en América del Sur. En esta sesión especial se exploraron modelos conceptuales y las características de los frentes, vaguadas, líneas de cortante (shear lines), líneas de inestabilidad y la Zona de Convergencia de América del Sur (SACZ)
Cuándo: Este seminario se llevó a cabo el 13 de agosto a las 15:00 UTC y duró aproximadamente dos horas.
Regístrese para las sesión especial en:

Requisitos: Este seminario de capacitación estuvo dirigido a estudiantes de meteorología, meteorólogos y técnicos meteorólogos. Se recomendó experiencia básica en la interpretación de imágenes de satélite y circulaciones sinópticas del hemisferio sur.
Certificado de Entrenamiento: Se expidió un certificado de capacitación a quienes participaron activamente y completaron las encuestas presentadas durante el curso.
Em inglês: 27 August 2020 (15 UTC) Special Training Session on Objective Weather Forecasting Techniques and Application of the Forecast Funnel Newly certified meteorologists often lack the experience of more seasoned weather forecasters, and a methodology on how to analyze the atmosphere and forecast the weather is required. In this special training session, using the true and tried methodology of the Forecast Funnel, meteorological forecasters will learn the basics for analyzing the tridimensional structure of atmospheric features and learn objective weather forecasting techniques.. This will help develop a work related methodology that would result in higher confidence and more consistent weather forecasts, while emphasizing objective vs. subjective analysis techniques.
Prerequisites: This basic training seminar is open to all meteorologists and meteorological technicians. Forecasting experience is suggested but not required.
It is highly recommended that the participants complete the MetEd (COMET) training module titled: The Forecast Process – Using the Forecast Funnel.
If you register before the meeting begins, you will receive a confirmation email from Dan Bikos [mailto:customercare at] and a new link to go directly to the session when it starts. *** View past recorded sessions:

Certificate of Training: A training certificate will be issued to those who complete the training session, actively participate in the discussions and polls throughout the course.