OPORTUNIDADE: 2nd Operational Satellite Oceanography Symposium, 25-27 May 2021
Coordenação-Geral de Ciências da Terra – CGCT

Modelagem Numérica do Sistema Terrestre
CALL for ABSTRACTS: 2nd Operational Satellite Oceanography Symposium, 25-27 May 2021
Dear colleagues,
First of all we would like to wish you a happy new year and hope that you all made it well into 2021.
We would like to remind you that the abstract submission for the second international Operational Satellite Oceanography Symposium (OSOS-2) to be held in a virtual format, on 25-27 May 2021, is now open.
The abstracts submission deadline is 1 March 2021. Abstracts can be submitted online through the conference website.
You can also register to the conference using the online registration tool on the meeting website. The registration deadline is 15 May 2021.
For more information, please have a look at the attached announcement or visit our website: https://www.eventsforce.net/osos2021.
Should you have any questions, please do contact the organising committee at osos@eumetsat.int.
Kind regards,
The Organising Committee