WGNE Blue Book 2021 : Reminder about the deadline to contribute

This is a reminder about the deadline of 10 May 2021 to submit contributions to the regular publication of the Working Group on Numerical Experimentation


(the 2021 WGNE Blue Book ).

The contributions to the following sections are welcome:

1.     Assimilation of atmospheric and land observations. Data impact and sensitivity studies.

Methodological advances.

2.     Data sets, diagnostic and dynamical investigations, statistical post-processing, reanalysis, and associated studies.

3.     Computational studies including new techniques, parallel processing, GPUs. Effects of model resolution.

4.     Parameterization of atmospheric and surface processes, effects of different physical parameterizations.

5.     Development of and studies with regional and convective-scale atmospheric models and ensembles.

6.     Developments in global forecast models, case studies, predictability investigations, global ensembles.

7.     Global and regional climate models, sensitivity and impact experiments, response to external forcing, monthly and seasonal forecasting.

8.     Development of and advances in ocean, sea-ice, and wave modelling and data assimilation.

9.     Development of and studies with coupled and Earth system models and data assimilation systems.

10.  Forecast verification: methods and studies.

The length of the contribution (including any diagrams, figures, tables, references) must not exceed the equivalent of two printed single-spaced pages. A title (in bold), the author’s names and affiliations, and e-mail address must be included (see http://bluebook.meteoinfo.ru for examples). Portable document format (PDF) is greatly preferred.

Please submit your contribution via the WGNE Website at

User name: science Password: science

The preliminary version of the Blue Book can be seen at


Dr. Elena Astakhova is the editor of the Blue Book. If you have any questions please contact her via email (elena_ast_hmc@mail.ru or elena.astakhova.hmc@gmail.com)

You are welcome to forward this Call to anyone who might be interested to contribute to the 2021 WGNE Blue Book.

Dr. Elena Astakhova
Medium-range numerical weather prediction department
Hydrometcenter of Russia