HMEI INF 2021-25: Upcoming GWE Forum webinar – The Future Promise of Global Weather Information Thursday 22 April 2021, 13.00-14.30 UTC

Dear Colleague,

On behalf of the Global Weather Enterprise Forum, I have pleasure in forwarding the following invitation:
GWE Forum Webinar 4 – The Future Promise of Global Weather Information

Guest speaker: Dr. Florence Rabier, Director-General of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)

When: Thursday 22 April 2021, 13.00-14.30 UTC

The societal need for better weather forecasts and climate projections is huge. The accuracy and reliability of weather and climate information have been improved by new and better observations, more powerful computers, and new science & technology. The Global Weather Enterprise is continually pushing the boundaries to unlock socio-economic benefits through the delivery of meteorological and climate services.

Topics to be covered by Dr. Rabier will include:

  • Future science & technology
  • Data in and data out
  • Specific benefits to people
  • Taking co-operation to the next level.

For more information and to register your interest >>