Série de seminários online da WMO sobre operações e técnicas “Nowcasting” e perspectivas para a América do Sul – 3 de junho de 2022, 15 horas

A WMO convida toda comunidade World Weather Research Programme – WWRP (estudantes e profissionais de Ciências Atmosféricas, Tomadores de Decisão) para uma série de seminários on line   sobre operações e técnicas “Nowcasting” e perspectivas para a América do Sul (“Nowcasting Operations and Techniques: Perspectives for South America”).

Os tópicos vão desde Pesquisa de métodos de monitoramento, previsão e identificação de eventos extremos em curto intervalo de tempo à novos métodos operacionais Nowcasting assim como, a comunicação desses eventos, tecnologias de sensoriamento remoto atmosférico, procedimentos de coleta de dados para previsão de tempo, modelagem numérica e inteligência artificial aplicada à Sistemas Convectivos.

Os encontros ocorrerão nas primeiras sextas-feiras do mês.

O primeiro encontro ocorrerá dia 3 de junho de 2022, 15 horas de Brasília, por meio da plataforma Google Meeting.

O palestrante será o Dr. Joseph Picca do NOAA Storm Prediction Center.

O tema do Primeiro Encontro será The Utility of Dual-Polarization Weather Radar in Analyzing and Predicting Warm-Season Hazards


he US National Weather Service (NWS) Weather Surveillance Radar 1988 Doppler (WSR-88D) network was upgraded with dual-polarization capability from 2011 to 2014. At the core of this upgrade is a fundamental change in the manner in which the radar transmits and receives signal. Dual-polarization radars are able to transmit and receive both horizontally and vertically polarized electromagnetic waves, yielding more information about a target’s size, shape, orientation and composition, in addition to the traditional returned power and velocity. Thus, forecasters and researchers can utilize these data to improve understanding and prediction of many hazards, including hail identification and sizing, tornado identification and real-time rating estimation, updraft analysis, and heavy rain / flood potential via improved quantitative precipitation estimation. Over the last decade, the US weather enterprise (NOAA / NWS, universities, private industry, media) has realized a wealth of benefits from this upgrade. This presentation will introduce the basic principles behind dual-polarization radar and examples of these benefits during the warm season, including cases of severe convective storms and heavy rainfall events, to illustrate the operational advantages of this radar technology.

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