3º Seminário da DIMNT – The Sea Surface Temperature diurnal cycle role in subseasonal and seasonal meteorological systems -15 de Junho de 2022, 10h30 às 11h30
Coordenação-Geral de Ciências da Terra – CGCT

Modelagem Numérica do Sistema Terrestre
Data: 15 de Junho de 2022
Horário: 10h30 às 11h30
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Título do Seminário: The Sea Surface Temperature diurnal cycle role in subseasonal and seasonal
meteorological systems
Palestrante: Isabella Talamoni
Biografia: Isabella Talamoni Lima completou a graduação em meteorologia na Unesp de Bauru. Em seguida concluiu o mestrado em meteorologia no INPE, onde trabalhou com interações superfícieatmosfera sob orientação da Dra. Iracema Cavalcanti e do Dr. Paulo Yoshio Kubota. Atualmente é aluna de doutorado em meteorologia no INPE orientada pelo Dr. Paulo Yoshio Kubota e está trabalhando com
interações oceano-atmosfera.
Resumo da palestra: The diurnal warming or Sea Surface Temperature (SST) diurnal cycle is a mode of variation that has been receiving more attention through the years. It plays an important role in the oceanatmosphere interaction because it modulates the air-sea exchange at the interface, including energy (latent and sensible heat), mass (water and trace gases) and momentum fluxes. Although the global annual SST diurnal cycle amplitude (dSST) average is 0.1°C over regions with strong incident radiation and weak winds, dSST can reach values higher than 5°C. The diurnal energy is stored in the Ocean Mixed Layer (OML) and interacts with daily, intraseasonal and seasonal meteorological scales through SST variability. However, the SST diurnal cycle is poorly represented or parameterized in most numerical weather prediction and climate studies. Therefore, this document explores the efforts made to understand and represent the SST diurnal cycle and how it can affect seasonal and subseasonal meteorological systems.