CEOS WGISS-52 meeting
Coordenação-Geral de Ciências da Terra – CGCT

Modelagem Numérica do Sistema Terrestre
We are pleased to announce the 52nd meeting of the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) Working Group on Information Systems and Services (WGISS) on October 19-21, 2021. Due to travel restrictions, the meeting will be conducted virtually.
The theme of the WGISS-52 meeting is “Enabling Open Science”. The meeting will be of significant interest not only to CEOS members but also to users of CEOS data and services and will focus on the four domains addressed in WGISS (Data Preservation and Stewardship, Data Interoperability and Use, Data Discovery and Access, and Technology Exploration). The meeting will provide an excellent opportunity for CEOS members to contribute to the definition and shaping of future data architectures, standards and approaches for making data available to users in the most effective way possible, in cooperation with GEOSS and other CEOS working groups.
The format of the meeting will be as follows:
1. Each session will be from 10:00 to 13:00 UTC, using GoToMeeting. The link will be available on the meeting website.
2. All presentations will be loaded well in advance and available on the meeting website:
3. Participants are requested to view the presentations at their convenience prior to the meeting.
4. Presenters are requested to submit their presentations (including an executive summary) by Tuesday, October 12, to
5. The sessions will consist of a teleconference with a brief summary of each presentation, and questions addressed to the speakers with relevant discussion.
6. Participants will be encouraged to submit questions in advance of the relevant session.
The WGISS meeting week at a glance is provided below:
Tuesday, October 19: WGISS Plenary and Sessions on Enabling Open Science and on Data DISCOVERY and ACCESS
Wednesday, October 20: Session on Data INTEROPERABILITY and USE and session on TECHNOLOGY EXPLORATION.
Wednesday October 21: Session on Data PRESERVATION and STEWARDSHIP, agency reports, and WGSS business.
Below are some points that we wish to highlight:
· The dates are Tuesday October 19, Wednesday October 20, and Thursday October 21, 2021. Each session will be from 10:00 to 13:00 Universal Time.
· The meeting website is At this site you will find the evolving draft agenda, meeting, and registration form. Over time you will be able to access this site to locate the final agenda, the presentations, and the meeting actions and minutes.
· We ask that EVERYONE who will participate register by clicking the “Register” button on the meeting website.
· Please email Michelle Piepgrass ( with any questions.
Robert Woodcock, CSIRO, WGISS Chair
Makoto Natsuisaka, JAXA, WGISS Vice-chair